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What does “freedom” mean to you as an entrepreneur?

See, here in the United States, we recently finished celebrating our July 4th, our Independence day, which is a celebration of freedom and and those who helped create it.

I celebrated Independence Day with some friends, and had a lot of interesting conversations about freedom, in terms of what it means to us as citizens and what it means to us as entrepreneurs.

So I decided to create a video today on how freedom can create more success in our lives, in our business, as entrepreneurs.

In fact there’s no better way to honor those who have who continue to fight and serve our country to give us our freedom and independence then to become as successful as possible; because it’s because of that freedom and independence that we are able to freely create any type of business that we want and to create any level of success.

So if you are not constantly working on growing your business to create the lifestyle that you want to FULLY have the freedom to live any life that you want, then you’re not truly honoring those who have committed themselves to protect that freedom and independence in this country

So with that being said first and foremost i like to say thank you to all the men and women who continue to serve our country for our freedom and independence.

Now, what I want you to do is take out a sheet of paper

On the Left Hand Side:

  • Write out all the reasons why your business you feel that your business isn’t driving or growing or generate their cash flow or income that you are looking for
  • All the reasons why your business isn’t at six figures or the reason why your business isn’t at seven figures
  • Or anything that you feel that is holding your business back

Just make a huge list of it on the left hand side of the sheet of paper

Now what you want to do on the Right Hand Side:

  • Write down what part of your freedom is being shackled
  • What do you feel is limiting you?
  • What is keeping you from being able to resolve or fix that reason or to get past that reason?

Maybe you say
“I don’t have the freedom from the laws and regulations that keep my business from being able to do things that I wanted”

“I don’t have the freedom of time, or I need more time”

“I don’t have the freedom of having the budget for marketing that I want to do”

Ok the list can go on but whatever you define as a freedom constrictor THAT is what literally keeps you keeping that reason you wrote on the left hand side alive.

So to review, on the left hand side you’ll have all the reasons why your business isn’t at where you
wanted to be and on the right side all the different types of “freedom violations” that each of those reasons are supported by.

This exercise is designed to peel back the layers and exposed to you what your limiting beliefs are.

This may not make sense to you now, but my challenge to you is, try it FIRST and THEN ask questions.

More often than not, the exercise will reveal to you what excuses you have been making and you may think “Well, this doesn’t make any sense at all and I can’t believe that i’m using this as a way to shackle my own freedom and independence to really make my business shine!”

If you have questions, contact us by commenting or sending us an email to info@the6figureacademy.com.

Enjoy the freedom and honor that freedom.
Make the decision to take your business to the next level to honor those who continue to serve and protect that freedom and independence for us.

And again, thank you to all those men and women who are continuing to serve us today.