Episode 1: March 7, 2017 @ 12pm Pacific
Our inaugural episode of Stop Money Anxiety Now! will air Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 12pm pacific with Cary Hokama, Holistic Transformation Specialist, as our first guest!
To interact LIVE via chat, go to https://www.spreaker.com/show/stop-money-anxiety-now
For more about the Stop Money Anxiety Now! Radio Show, go to http://the6figureacademy.com/radio/
Cary’s Money Story:
“My parents split when I was 10. They constantly fought over money so when I was 10 years old, my Dad moved to Japan and took a teaching job that paid him more money. That broke my heart (and my sister’s) but he promised he’d be back in no time as his contract was for only one year. I’m almost 39 years old now and he’s still there. My parents are not in that much better shape financially.
I vowed to grow up thinking differently and going about things differently when it came to money. Though I’ve been through severe losses in investments (over 100K), been broke, been in revolving debt of close to $65K at one time, I’m clear of ALL debt, I own 4 businesses, have 7 different income streams, and have been able to recently invest in a unique restaurant businesses, which has been life long dream of mine.
Today, my wife and I (always together) are diligently growing our collective businesses from six-figures to a 7-figure business (and beyond) while traveling and developing communities globally.”
About Cary:
Cary Hokama is a Holistic Transformation Specialist, whose passion emerges from equipping individuals with the essential tools and skills required for self-mastery and personal transformation. His personal skills have ventured across various commercial enterprises such as corporate management, entrepreneurial work, music, entertainment, and NGO’s.
Driven by the energy and vigor of his lively personality, his development as an established professional groups him amongst the world’s most sought after executive coaches and motivational speakers.
Cary is the author of Own Your Self, host of Own Your Self Podcast, owner & Instructor of WE Shape LA Fitness and co-Founder of THOU, a Story-telling and Media collective.
Get to know Cary at http://www.caryhokama.com/